5690.  Of a person who can use both hands equally well?

(One word Substitution Quiz)

  • Ambidextrous
  • Biography
  • Irreparable
  • Catalogue

5691.  A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return? parasite

(One word Substitution Quiz)

  • Parasite
  • Biography
  • Irreparable
  • Catalogue

5692.  New year starts___ jenuary

  • In
  • On
  • At
  • None

5693.  He has been waiting for me____ three weeks. ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • From
  • Since
  • For
  • On

5694.  We are___ the and of the street. ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • In
  • On
  • At
  • None

5695.  Ai ling is worried ____ the test because she thinks that she will fail the test.?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • Of
  • On
  • To
  • About

5696.  The pillow is___ the blanket ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • Between
  • Under
  • In
  • None

5697.  He skide_____ the mountain ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • Down
  • Out of
  • Through
  • Into

5698.  I am angry with him ---------his carelessness ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • On
  • For
  • At
  • To

5699.  Do you see______ elephant ?

(The Preposition,part of the speech)

  • Some
  • An
  • A
  • None