2320. When I heard of my grandmother's death , I burst.... tears.
(Fill In The Blanks Quiz)
2321. Some politicians are very sensitive...... criticism.
(Fill In The Blanks Quiz)
2322. A honorary degree was conferred...... him.
(Fill In The Blanks Quiz)
2323. Neither the employees nor the boss was at work .
(Grammatical Error)
2324. Two hours are a too short time to get to know someone.
(Grammatical Error)
2325. We should all.learn to seek happiness by limit ing our desires rather than attempted to satisfy them.
(Grammatical Error)
2326. While a lot of users were unable to send and receive messages,other complaint that they failed to log in to whatsapp web
(Grammatical Error)
2327. ____________ are my exercise books??
(Grammatical Error)
2328. Come on children,_ _____________ is ready.?
(Grammatical Error)
2329. ______________ French teachers in my school because we studyas English.? as a foreign language
(Grammatical Error)