30.  ........................... Being hard working he is thoroughly honest.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Along with
  • Be times
  • Over and above
  • Although

31.  We upset ourselves by responding in an ........................ manner to someone else's actions.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Invalid
  • Irrational
  • Arduous
  • Unabashed

32.  Tom is reading his__________?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Bycycle
  • Bicycle
  • Another
  • None of this

33.  Does your mom go to work in the morning?by taxi.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • How
  • Who
  • When
  • Why

34.  Having earned a lot of money in business, Mr. Sharma----------- is poor cousins.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Looks down upon
  • hits upon
  • Shoes off
  • Looks upon

35.  What did tarkas say to john? He told john that ______ ?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • He had killed the big warrior
  • He had been in love with sola
  • He had slept for a long time
  • None of VB this

36.  I play games on ______ computer in the evenings.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • You
  • Hers
  • My
  • None

37.  Nobody likes wenjie because he is always blowing his own trumpet.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Boasting
  • Gossiping
  • Quarreling
  • Playing

38.  Silence is mandatory for meditation to be effective.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Compulsory
  • Necessary
  • Required
  • Needed

39.  The absent - minded doctor caused some panic when he could not find his scalpel after performing the operation.?

(Appropriate Words Quiz)

  • Hopeless
  • Funny
  • Forgetful
  • Joking